Alzheimer pdf scielo articulos

Albert cabrera, i rocio martinez perez, i amy gutierrez ravelo, i dayleen hakim rodriguez, i gema perez davison ii i policlinico vedado. Alzheimers disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with characteristic clinical and pathological features. Significance, sense and care from a transcultural perspective. Alzheimer disease y aluminium and risk for alzheimer disease. Pathogenesis and current treatment of alzheimers disease. It is estimated that, in 2050, 25% of the global population will be elderly, thus increasing the disease prevalence. Its pathological land marks are the extracelular accumulation of amyloid plaques and the intracellular neurofibrilar tangles. Medline, biomed central, embase, scopus, scirus, psychinfo, lilacs y scielo. Abstract alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative illness that manifests as cognitive deterioration and behavioral disorders. It holds the 6th place, like dementia, in the list of main causes of death in cuba. Alzheimers disease affects approximately 10% of patients more than 65 years old and 40% of patients more than 80 years old.